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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Are You Addicted to Facebook? Quiz

Scientists say it's a real problem

Are You Addicted to Facebook? Quiz

A study carried out by the University of Salford (UK) found that more than one in two respondents felt "worried or uncomfortable" when they couldn’t access Facebook or their email accounts. Their self-esteem was damaged by comparing their accomplishments with those of their Facebook friends, and two-thirds found it difficult to relax or sleep after spending time online.

The University of Bergen (Norway) found similar results. “People who are anxious and socially insecure use Facebook more,” said Dr. Andreassen, the author of the study: “probably because those who are anxious find it easier to communicate via social media than face-to-face."

Is your social media behaviour something to worry about? You can find out if you have a problem with Facebook by answering these questions:

1. Do you close Facebook and then open it immediately?

2. Do you use Facebook to relax?

3. Do you constantly check how many likes you get for your posts?

4. Do you think about Facebook a lot?

5. Are you less focused on your work or studies because of spending too much time on Facebook?

6. Do you feel jealousy, frustration or anger after using Facebook?

If you answered 'yes' to three or more of these question, you are at risk of becoming a Facebook addict.

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